The Unseen Engine of the AI Revolution

October 10, 2024

Technology is evolving faster than your morning coffee cools down. AI is the boldest brew on the menu., and businesses are diving headfirst into AI-driven solutions like Microsoft 365 Copilot, eager to see how it can transform their workflow and boost productivity. But here’s the kicker: adopting AI isn’t like flipping a switch. It’s more like learning how to drive a car on a racetrack—you need the right training, preparation, and mindset.

That’s where change management comes in. It’s not the flashy part of the AI revolution, but it’s the foundation that keeps everything from falling apart. Let’s face it, if your team isn’t ready for AI, even the most sophisticated tech is just going to sit there gathering digital dust.

Why Manage The Change With New Implementations?

"Just Install It, and We’re Good!"

If only it were that simple, right? AI is complex, and while it promises to automate, simplify, and enhance, it’s also going to require a shift in how teams operate. It’s not just another tool; it’s a completely new way of working.

AI can automate tasks like creating documents, summarizing meetings, or handling customer service queries, but your employees are the ones who will be interacting with it. How well they adapt will determine your AI project’s success—or failure.

Take Microsoft 365 Copilot, for example. According to Gartner, only 6% of organizations who tested Copilot moved from pilot projects to full-scale implementation. That’s a pretty eye-opening stat, but here’s what’s even more interesting: every single one of those companies ran upskilling programs alongside their rollout.

No training, no transition. Simple as that.

The 3 Stages of Implementation

The Unsung Hero of AI Adoption

Let’s get real: change is hard. People love routines. Introducing AI into your business is not just a technological upgrade; it’s a cultural shift. You’re not just asking people to learn a new tool; you’re asking them to change how they work—how they think about work. It’s a big ask.

This is where change management steps in like a superhero in disguise. You don’t just announce the arrival of AI with a flashy PowerPoint and expect everyone to fall in line. No, change management helps you break down resistance, guide teams through the learning curve, and ensure that when the dust settles, everyone is not only using AI but leveraging it to its fullest potential.

The Four Pillars of Change Management

  1. Communication is Key – You can’t just drop AI into the company Slack and hope for the best. Leaders need to communicate clearly about what AI will do, why it’s important, and how it will benefit everyone involved. The more transparent you are, the less room there is for fear and confusion to fester.
  2. Upskilling is a Must – The World Economic Forum (WEF) says the biggest barrier to AI adoption is a lack of skills. No surprise there. AI tools like Microsoft 365 Copilot can’t magically make your team more productive if they don’t know how to use them properly. Investing in training is non-negotiable if you want to make AI work for you.
  3. Manage Expectations – AI isn’t going to solve all your problems overnight. Managing expectations is crucial. Some tasks will still require human intervention, and there may be hiccups along the way. Setting realistic goals helps keep enthusiasm up while minimizing frustration when the inevitable glitches happen.
  4. AI Champions Are Vital – Identifying AI champions within your organization can drive real engagement and business transformation. These champions act as guides, offering support and motivation. They bridge the gap between leadership’s vision and team operations, ensuring the adoption of AI doesn’t just happen—it sticks.
AI Champions

A Change in Perspective: It’s More Than Just Tech

AI is not a “set it and forget it” tool. It’s an evolving, dynamic technology that demands continuous learning and adaptation. The faster you embrace change management as an integral part of your AI strategy, the faster you’ll see the results you’re aiming for.

At Digital Bricks, we make sure you’re not just getting AI—we’re helping you build an AI-powered future that works. Ready to take the plunge? Let’s chat about how we can help your organization make the transition smoother, smarter, and ultimately more successful.