AI Confusion?...

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Get Your Free Expert Consultation Today!

Gain Precise, Actionable AI Guidance Tailored to Your Business Needs to Navigate the AI Maze with Confidence!
Empower Your Team & Optimise Your Operations with role specific AI Training & Consulting.

We’re leading the way in educating

Bla bla bla bla bla

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Our Services

Digital Bricks offers a broad range of AI related services to assist you with your AI Solutions.


We provide AI E-Learning  Material for applications like Chat GPT , Microsoft Copilot and skills like Prompt Engineering

AI Strategy

We advice companies on how to define an AI Strategy find use cases that fit your organization and implement solutions that deliver value

Role-Specific Training

Our training programms are designed to be role-specific because a marketeer is using AI different then an Accountant would do!

Copilot Implementations

We implement and design custom and standard copilots for your organization making sure you have digital assistants across your value chain.

Data Cleaning

Data is the gold of the current century and a cornerstone for your AI solution with the right data set AI can excel at it's task but AI can also help to clean your data at first making messy CRM data history.


We offer change management & adoption programms to make sure you AI implementation is a success and accepted by it's key users making them AI champions

Educating the world

We are proud of our happy reference customers that benefit from AI and change the world of tomorrow.
We have trained people world wide on Artificial Intelligence listen to what they have to say!

“Digital Bricks helped the kids at my School grasp AI Technology like Dall-E”

“Our business had and inspring session on AI Strategy by Digital Bricks”

“We increased the effiency of our workforce tremendously after leveraging AI”

“My music editing studio was able to reduce the work time needed with the use of AI by 90%!”

“I learned so much about Chat GPT especially the 101 Prompting session is a game changer”

“I own 7 hairsalons and the whole appointment scheduling process has been improved by AI Asisstants”

Start track your online banking with the applications.

Are you ready to make your business more organized? download & start digital banking now!analyze your business cost easily with group.